I think I’m a lesbian— actually I don’t do lables. But, I know I don’t find men sexually attractive. This year I CANNOT go into school without a boyfriend. It will kill me to be my the only girl in my group without a boyfriend. Not to mention If i come out it will ruin my life! My whole life is planned in my head, cute honeymoon, babies, growing old. And it’s all with a MAN not a WOMAN. So, I’m talking to a guy who thinks I like him. Im just hurting him and I feel so bad but I need to fit in.

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Lavender dating is an option, but it's always worth interrogating why you feel the need for things like this. What do you actually think will happen if you don't have a bf?

I say find a gay guy who'd be willing to go along with it. Having a friend of the opposite sex when you're gay can really help with situations. It's better if they're gay too, you could fake date👍